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Round 26 Stats and Live Ladder

Hi all,

Here is your ladder predictor for Round 26. I have added last nights results …..

Make the most out of your Weekly Stats Sheet – 2 tabs ……

  1. Find an old basketball. Don’t rush out and buy a brand new ball to practice with! Using an old ball for spinning is actually better for beginners. The grooves in an older ball are worn down, making it easier for your finger to stay on target and balance while you spin the ball.[1]
  2. Trim your nails. Having a little bit of nail above your fingertip can help you balance the ball more easily, but if your nails are long, trim them! Long nails can get cracked or broken, or even make it impossible for you to spin.
  3. Stretch your fingers and arms. Spinning a basketball too hard or too quickly can strain your wrists or even fracture your finger! Spend a minute or two stretching your fingers and arms to warm them up before you practice. You don’t need to do any special exercises. Just extend your arms and fingers as far out as they can go, and repeat a few times.[2]
  4. Hold the ball in your dominant hand with your finger pads. This is the same hand you’ll use to spin the ball. Do not hold the ball entirely flat on your palm, as this causes the ball to slide around too easily. Instead grip it with your fingertips and allow for a small air pocket between your palm and the ball.
  5. Flick your hand and thumb to spin the ball. Simultaneously flick your dominant hand 180-degrees, pinky leading, while flicking your thumb on your non-dominant hand forward to spin the ball. Be sure to complete the two motions at the same time in order to create an equal force on both sides of the ball. If you choose to only use one hand to complete the spin, disregard the non-dominant thumb.
  6. Catch the ball on the tip of your dominant index finger. Toss the ball quickly but gently onto your index finger. Once you’ve mastered the speed and height of the ball toss, you should be able to catch the ball on your finger without much difficulty. The closer you can keep your hand to the ball, the easier it will be. Some people find it easier to spin the ball on their middle fingers, instead.

Good luck for the remainder of the round.


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