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Wrap Footy Tipper 2023 – Round 24

If you didn’t get a fullcard last weekend, you never will. All 8 games went with the favourites. If you were looking for that one roughie to get you up the leaderboard, you picked the wrong weekend.

Our collective stats numbers are outstanding ;

Tips received = 56

  • Fullcards = 36 (that’s 64% of the field)
  • Average score = 10.68. There are only 8 games !!

With only 3 rounds to go, who is game to take a chance on that one match that may make all the difference to their tipping season ?

I saw some ridiculously poor refereeing decisions on the weekend but this one sealed it for me …. However biased I may be in what universe is this NOT offside ? A referee, 2 touchies and the bunker didn’t see this ? I’m flabbergasted.

Here are all the results from round 24 ;

Main Competition

The entire top 7 tippers (that is ALL the prize money spots) all got the maximum 12 points, so there was absolutely no movement in the leaderboard. Big Baba still has a 3 point lead from the ZipZipMan followed by I miss Benji.     

2nd Chance Competition

Ditto on the Main competition, except the top 12 all had fullcards. So it still Stallion from 9986 and I Miss Benji in 3rd.  

The Standout

  • Standouts correct – 54 
  • Standouts wrong – 1
  • The average score – 10.68
  • Our round high – 12 
  • Our round low was – 4   

Footy Tipper Weekly Jackpot

Our jackpot is now at $120 for round 25.

Good luck with your tips this week.


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