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All The Winners – Footy Tipper 2022 and Round 25 Wrap

Bulldogs beat Stinky Manly 21 – 20. Blah blah blah. Roosters roll Rabbits 26 – 16 blah blah blah. Titans storm home late to pip the Warriors 27-26 blah blah blah. Wests suck….  going down 10-56 to the Raiders blah blah blah.

No one cares about that stuff. It’s all about the winners. Who gets all the cash $$$$. But first you will have to read the dribble from me and Rob. (or you could simply scroll down of course).

Firstly, congratulations to all our winner for 2022. We had 75 starters this year (down from what we would really like), but most tippers played the season out to the end – and why wouldn’t you ? If you couldn’t win the Main Comp, there was still the weekly jackpot and Second Comp to play for. Ultimately that is over $2200 given out in prize money.

Well done again, and thanks to Rob on what I think was another great competition. I think it was the smoothest year we have had. Your program ran immaculately. Punters probably don’t appreciate that you need to load up the ENTIRE seasons draw prior to kick off in round 1. Looking forward to our brainstorming meetings in 2023 to take FT to even loftier heights. .

Finally, a big thank you to everyone for competing again this year. And to our newbies, I trust you got some enjoyment from being part of the family. We hope to see you all back for 2023 where we have even bigger plans. The reality is – we only run this thing because of your involvement and the positive feedback we receive. It really is greatly appreciated.  

Note From The Creator

The Footy Tipper 2022 season has come to a close.

Firstly, congratulations to all our prize winners.

We have paid out a total of $2220 amongst 16 lucky Tipsters. That is one in 4.6 (OK, let’s call it less than 5) Tipsters winning a prize.

Thank you to MLC, for putting up with this obsession and at least pretending to be as interested as I am.

Thank you to our Queensland Correspondent, Shagger, for his insightful articles on what it means to be a Queenslander.

To my Footy Tipper partner in crime, Pablo, thank you again for doing all the heavy lifting.

All the Weekend Wraps. Posting the Stats. Sending out approximately 3000 emails. Bouncing ideas. This competition would not work without you.

To the NRL players and teams. The content you provided us couldn’t be scripted better. Thank you.

Finally, to you, our Tipsters.

We run this competition for you!

I hope we kept you entertained and engaged this season.

Here are some numbers for you:

·       86 articles were posted

·       1875 tips were received

·       153 were duplicates or changes

·       3 times we had every Tipster submit this season

·       63 is the lowest number of tips received. Unsurprisingly, in the final two rounds.

Good luck to your team, or your surrogate team, in the finals. If you want to continue, we have the Ultimate Footy Tipper Competition (UFTC) for the finals. Otherwise, have a safe offseason, and we will see you in 2023.


The Standout

  • 60 – got it right.
  • 3 – got it wrong      
  • The average score – 7.11.
  • Our round high was 12  – only achieved by 1 tipper !!! That’s right, weekly jackpot has been won !! More below.
  • Our round low was 3

Footy Tipper Weekly Jackpot

There were a number of punters submitting some weird and wonderful tips this week in the hope of guessing that 1 roughie that would win them the jackpot. Ten punters got 7 games right, but it was Fouad Khochaiche managed to get them all. Well done and congratulations, the $70 is all yours.

Main Competition – The Winners !!

As was the case for the last 3 or so rounds, there was very little movement in our leaderboard – everyone playing it safe to protect their leads.

And our winner for FT2022 is Murch. Congratulations Murch and very well deserved. He ended up 2 matches clear of 2nd place. He showed no signs of choking at the death and never gave the contenders a look in (…… and clearly followed the odds on Sportsbet to aid his tipping).

Coming in 2nd is Panthers29 with a solid 9 point finish. In 3rd place we have Admireel on 186 points.

Rounding out the final prize winners ;

4th – Turbohamstrings

5th – Carlos

6th – 9986

7th – PabloW and

8th – DaveM

2nd Chance Competition – The Winners

StuartS has held on to take out 1st place and the $100. Well done Stuey !! Carlos has made his way up from 4th spot to take out the 2nd place prize pool of $60. And rounding out the top 3 came Panthers29 who again figures in the $$ taking home another $30

Congrats to all our winners and our Treasurer will be in contact with all of you to arrange final payment.

So it’s good night from me …… and goodnight from him. May the best team win the 2022 premiership.

The Creator and Pablo

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