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It’s The Final Week

It’s our final week but there will be plenty of reasons to drop by


Pablo’s penultimate Weekend Wrap


It’s the final Rob’s Rant for 2022… or is it?


Sees the Season 2 Finale of Wails From Tiger Town


Is our final throwback for the year, recommended by Tipster 9986 (aka Get Smart). You will be



Download the Weekly Stats and Ladder Pr…

Wait, what? Just Stats.

Pablo insists in keeping you all guessing. See, I am the good cop and, well, …


We are hoping to hear from our Queensland Correspondent, Shagger.

Save this article after you have had a mug of Horlicks and finished an episode of Murder She Wrote. You will definitely be counting zzzz’s in no time.


It’s open mic. If anyone has an article they would like posted, please send to Pablo or myself and we

will post them all on Sunday. Be warned, it will be posted under your name!

  • Will Bart Simpson share his famous apricot chicken recipe?
  • Will Craig Young’s Love Child share an insight of his handle for 2023?

I know who won’t be writing in. Hilarious Tipster HeyRobuphere has gone into hiding in Vietnam. Maybe next year, change your name to Rob’s Doormat.

It’s the final week.

Enjoy Tipsters.


The Creator

The Creator

The Creator of the boutique Excel based Footy Tipper format. This competition has been running since the turn of the century. Embrace the spreadsheet.

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