I know that no one really cares whether the Storm are Minor Premiers. Or that Stinky Manly won again and are now in the top 4. Or that the Sharks and Raiders got tipped out of the top 8 by a barnstorming Titan victory over the Warriors ……you just want to know who gets all the cash $$$$. But first you will have to read the dribble from me (sometimes referred to as old man’s ramblings) and Rob.
Firstly, congratulations to all our winner for 2021. Surprisingly it has been a very tight tussle for the entire 25 rounds.
Well done (and thank you) Rob on what I think was another great competition. We had a couple of minor glitches behind the scenes, but as always, you took them in stride and no one is the wiser. Our brainstorming meetings at Pensie RSL may have been curtailed this year due to Covid lockdowns, but I look forward to beering on again soon, to help flesh out our cunning plans for 2022.
Finally, a big thank you to everyone for competing again this year. And to our newbies, I trust you got some enjoyment from being part of the family. We hope to see you all back for 2022 where we have even bigger plans. The reality is – we only run this thing because of your involvement and the positive feedback we receive. It really is greatly appreciated.
Note From The Creator
Firstly, thank you to all the returning and new Tipsters for making this competition possible. Your support and interest is what makes these 25 weeks fly by and it’s been an absolute pleasure to run this competition.
Big congratulations to all our prize winners. I will reach out to all of you so I can do one of my favourite jobs. Handing out the ca$h.
Finally, a big thank you to my Footy Tipper partner in crime, Pablo, for running the competition so well again this season. Your Weekly Wraps were always great reading and full of stats and numbers. Sometimes insightful. Sometimes funny. Sometimes an old man’s ramblings.
Tipsters, if you missed out or want to review the season that was, you can start with one of my favourite posts below.
And while Footy Tipper runs itself with automation to Add Tips, create the Stats and Live Ladder, and the weekly Tipsheet, there are a lot of things running behind the scenes.
44 The number of articles posted this season
25 Stats and Live Ladders uploaded
2875 Tipsheets emailed
1865 Tips submitted (x3 to each email account)
171 Tips were changed or duplicated
2 Instances of Footy Tipper running throughout the season
25 Weekly audit comparisons completed
18 Leader-boards set-up
2 Tipsters who submitted under the wrong name (you know who you are)
Good luck to your team (or surrogate team) in the finals and see you in 2022. For those wanting to continue on, we launch our UFTC Finals Series this week.
The Standout
- 56 – got it right.
- 5 – got it wrong
- The average score – 6.89.
- Our round high was 9 – only achieved by Micrider and MB. Well done guys.
- Our round low was 1
Did you know…….?
- There were 67 instances where punters got their standout wrong (48 of those were in round 3).
- Only 3 active tippers NEVER got their standout wrong – Budgie, MB and 786Om.
- GeorgeTheDragon and isha68 managed to get their standout wrong a massive 7 times !!
Footy Tipper Weekly Jackpot
With the Bulldogs adding their own Tale to Tiger Town, there were no perfect rounds meaning the $80 jackpot has gone to a random draw.
Thanks to long time Tipster and closet Blues supporter, Shagger for pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Using random.org all tipsters who submitted in the final round had a 1 in 62 chance of being drawn.
Congratulations to Guru2810 for your skillful selections this week.
Did you know…….?
- We had 98 full cards this season.
- Only gdadisho managed to jag the prize money on his own in round 17.
- Adel Messih was the best performing tipper, managing the feat 4 times ! All 4 were in the last 8 rounds of the comp…. and somehow he still didn’t figure in the cash. (Manly Supporters… say no more)
- Special mention to Big Baba, Seano and Fouad Khochaiche who did it 3 times.
Main Competition – The Winners !!
And our winner for FT2021 is Kane G. Congratulations Kane and well deserved. He spent the last 16 weeks within the top 4 tippers, with the last 9 weeks in 1st place. He didn’t choke despite the jostling for positions that took place below him.

Coming in 2nd is Big Baba on 196 points, who held on to his spot from a fast-finishing 786Om by a mere 47 differential points. Rossco The Pom slipped back to 4th place but still takes $130. The big mover was Offside_touchie who rose 4 places to take 5th spot.
Well done to all our winners.
2nd Chance Competition – The Winners
It’s a big payday for Kane G who also takes away 1st place in the 2nd Chance Comp and another $100.
Offside_Touchie held on to 2nd place (worth $50) by just 3 differential points from 9986 who takes the 3rd place and picks up the $30.
Our Treasurer will be in contact with all the winners to arrange final payment.
So it’s good night from me …… and goodnight from him. May the best team win the 2021 premiership (as long as its not Stinky Manly).
The Creator and Pablo
Retraction required on the final round round-up. I am a Maroons Support. This must be a spelling/gramatical error on behalf of the author. This needs to be corrected immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done everyone. Plus I was just about to get a perfect round and my standout, the Tigers got flogged. I wanted to go out with a bang but chose the wrong standout. Bugger that.
Hi Shagger. They were Rob’s words, so I will leave it to him to amend (or retract as he sees fit). LOL. From my point of view (and in your words) “….GGF and GFY and XOXO”
Hahaha great and amusing banter as always.
Thank you Rob and Loomsie for all the time and effort you both spend in running the competition.
Catch up again in 2022.
Thanks Rob and Paul for all the effort put into the running of the comp again, much appreciated! Enjoyed every season I’ve been involved, will be back next season for sure.