Firstly I’d like to thank everyone for their participation in yet another successful season for Footy Tipper. We saw another season where we had tippers spread around the world – with punters from PNG, London, Cape Town….. It was great to see our trade mark spread across the globe.
We continue to run this comp only because of everyone’s positive feedback every year. I mean, we don’t get paid for this, in fact it costs Robbie money to host FT website, but do we care ? NO ! We spend hours validating the tips received and those not received . We worry if you didn’t submit your tips. We wonder whether you are okay ? You won’t find that love in any other tipping comp.
Okay, the weekly wraps are crap and drafted really quickly on Monday mornings and my jokes and jibes are lame and a waste of time reading, but we do care about you. I get a lot of satisfaction writing that crap each week – I have had many “laugh out loud” moments during the season (largely to myself that is – I consider myself the Kerry O’Keefe of NRL commentators)
What we attempt each year is to make our offering better than the year before. We consume plenty of beers during our brainstorming meetings coming up with new stuff. Who else offers you ;
- Weekly tipper statistics
- Personal stats trackers and graphs
- Weekly prizes and Jackpots
- A 2nd chance to win mid-season (when you thought all was lost)
- Quizzes
- Rob’s Rant
- Live ladders
Remember all this in 2021 when we invite you back. If everyone committed to enlist just 2 more friends or family each, we would have 250 tippers playing !! Just imagine the prize pool !
Note From The Creator
Wow. That season had it all. Two refs, one ref. Crowds, no crowds, cardboard crowds. A pause and reschedule. New rules. For 20 rounds, if it felt like a long season, it was.
Congratulations to the NRL for managing to restart and completing the competition.
Firstly, a big thank you to all Tipsters for participating this season. Although there wouldn’t have been the same watercooler experiences, I hope we managed to keep you entertained and invested in the competition.
Congratulations to all our winners for 2020. This year we have paid out a total of $2490 in prizes to 13 different Tipsters (that equates to 1 in 6). The rest of us will be left to look at My Stats on the Tipsheet to ponder what could have been.
Finally, a big thank you to Pablo for running Footy Tipper and for all those awesome weekly wraps and posts. In case you missed it, here are my two favourite Pablo posts:
Thanks again mate for your support and contribution.
Good luck to all those who have teams in the Finals. You have to be in it to win. Tipsters looking to continue on, please check out our UFTC NRL Finals competition.
Stay safe everyone. See you in 2021 -Rob
So here we go…….the full final results can be found in the attached spreadsheet (below).
Main Competition – The Winners
So he managed to hang on …. and not just hang on …. he did it by 3 points in the end. Congrats Mary McGregor !! A well deserved win – you should remember he lead the competition since round 5 !!

2nd Chance Competition – The Winners
With a gutsy call a few weeks back, our winner took the lead and was never headed. Well done Shagger !!

Footy Tipper – Weekly Jackpot
No perfect cards this week so the final Weekly Jackpot prize has gone to a random draw.
Thanks to Tipster SMOG and random.org for selecting our final prize winner.
$150 goes to Lou.
Congratulations again to all our winners and we hope to see you back in 2021.
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you both for organising and running a great competition. Your time is truly appreciated.
See you again next year