You are currently viewing Experts’ Tips – Round 25

Experts’ Tips – Round 25

Shagger is back after going MIA contemplating Queenslander things. Three rounds to hit your ton.

The biggest game of contention is the final match of the round. The local derby with the Sharks v Dragons.

The Sharks are trying to lock up 4th spot while the Dragons walk the finals series tight rope.

TipsterThe CreatorCarlosBart Simpson9986PabloFooty TipperShagger
Points145 diff (4645)143 (4553)138 (diff 4649)126 (diff 4565)124 (diff 4415)120 (diff 4346)98 (diff 4247)
Last Week8878982
SelectionsSea EaglesSea Eagles (s/o)Sea EaglesSea EaglesSea Eagles (s/o)Sea EaglesSea Eagles (s/o)
Storm (s/o)StormStorm (s/o)Storm (s/o)StormStormStorm
RoostersRoostersRoostersRoostersRoostersRoosters (s/o)Roosters
Tips are correct at time of publishing and are subject to change.

The Creator

The Creator of the boutique Excel based Footy Tipper format. This competition has been running since the turn of the century. Embrace the spreadsheet.

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