You are currently viewing Experts’ Tips – Round 24

Experts’ Tips – Round 24

Expert Carlos has taken out our 2nd prize of the year. Yes, $130 from the Weekly Jackpot.

Congratulations Expert and thank you for sucking the life out of the competition. Who can stop the calloses that is Carlos who is now eyeing off the main prize?

The top three experts are in the prize money, the other experts (cough)? Well, they are best classified as “monetary contributors”.

TipsterThe CreatorCarlosBart Simpson9986PabloFooty TipperShagger
Points137 diff (4364)135 (4330)131 (diff 4446)118 (diff 4342)115 (diff 4190)112 (diff 4137)96 (diff 4082)
Last Week81298888
Sea EaglesSea EaglesSea Eagles (s/o)Sea EaglesSea EaglesSea Eagleson
Roosters (s/o)Roosters (s/o)Roosters Roosters (s/o)Roosters (s/o)Roosters (s/o)Earth
Tips are correct at time of publishing and are subject to change.

The Creator

The Creator of the boutique Excel based Footy Tipper format. This competition has been running since the turn of the century. Embrace the spreadsheet.

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