You are currently viewing [Updated] Experts’ Tips – Round 22

[Updated] Experts’ Tips – Round 22

[Updated with 9986’s real tips]

Most Experts agree with the Algorithm that is Footy Tipper written 20+ years ago.

Well, except for a couple despo tips by the despos at the bottom of the panel. What could they know that an excel formula doesn’t?

TipsterThe CreatorBart SimpsonCarlos9986Footy TipperPabloShagger
Points 126 diff (3934)119 (diff 3927)116 (diff 3832)106 (diff 3884)101 (diff 3685)99 (diff 3706)85 (diff 3604)
Last Week8757785
Storm (s/o)Storm (s/o)Storm Storm (s/o)Storm (s/o)StormStorm (s/o)
PanthersPanthersPanthers (s/o)PanthersPanthersPanthers (s/o)Panthers
Tips are correct at time of publishing and are subject to change.

The Creator

The Creator of the boutique Excel based Footy Tipper format. This competition has been running since the turn of the century. Embrace the spreadsheet.

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