Hi all,
We figure some people may be suffering NRL withdrawal symptoms and cabin fever, so as a distraction we will be running a Virtual Tipping Comp to keep people occupied during this enforced layoff.
Virtual FT2020 (VFT2020) –
- The Comp is optional, FREE to enter, no registration required and no prize money is on offer (….however we may be able to dig up some sort of novelty prizes – no promises though – depending on the uptake)
- The Virtual comp starts from what would have been Rd 5 and runs until Rd 16.
- All tippers will start from scratch.
- Your weekly tipsheet will be uploaded to our website ONLY …… NO EMAILS (except for 1 reminder next Thursday when we kick this thing off). Your weekly Wrap and stats will also be uploaded to the site (albeit a light-hearted mock up). Players must use the website. This would include accessing the weekly tipsheet and stats data. Link – Footytipper.org Any probs accessing the site, please email me and I will set you up.
- Weekly match results will be based on what would have been “Tippers selections” and NOT JUST ME OR ROB making up results. If you were unaware, the “Tippers Selection” field is an algorithm based on historical match results and a random chaos factor !

- Scores for matches will be based on a random number draw from the website www.random.org/. Winners scores will range between 20 – 40. Losers score between 0 – 20).
- I’ll also knock up a fake NRL ladder each week as if the games were legit.
I will try to make this very light-hearted and a bit of fun, and I do encourage you to get involved.
Bring in on the Dragons may WIN a few more games in the Virtual comp. Manly in WIN Zero, that’s for Adel